A simple salsa that is sweet and just mildly spicy. This is made with watermelon, Anaheim pepper, onion and balsamic vinegar. Hotter chilies can be substituted...
Brie baked in a round sourdough bread bowl makes this ultimately easy! You could substitute a sweet chutney for the topping for even easier prep. I microwaved...
Creamy, sweet, and slightly tangy dip for fruit--excellent for breakfast, brunch, dessert, or a snack. Serve with fruit of your choice for dipping such...
This all purpose salsa is great on tortilla chips, tacos and other Mexican-style favorites. Roasted jalapeno chile peppers give the salsa an excellent...
This is such a fresh and light salsa. I made this one day when I needed some extra ingredients and decided to throw some cucumbers in. I now make this...
I've been trying to recreate coconut shrimp dipping sauce...this is close enough. It's great for dipping shrimp. Amounts are approximate, adjust to suit...
This is a delicious fluffy orange flavored dip for skewered fruit. It is equally good spooned over cubes of fruit and served as a first course or dessert....
A fruity salsa, great with pita chips. One guy I know was gonna pay me to make this for him. I like to let mine sit for at least an hour and give it a...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...
A fresh, easy way to use up your garden tomatoes. Mix and match different varieties of tomatoes for this salsa. It will keep well for several days in the...
This dip is creamy and flavorful. It is suitable for a wide range of dipping vegetables, crackers, and plain old potato chips. This is best made the night...
My sister inspired me to make a green salsa similar to how you would make one by roasting tomatillos, but using all green tomatoes instead. This is a tangy...
You can't keep showing up at these Super Bowl parties with a bag of chips every year. So, if you're ready to go from snack scrub to appetizer all-star,...
This is a recipe I have been making for years. It is the number one dish people ask me to bring to parties. It is great with tortilla chips or on top of...
This is a wonderful hot-sweet appetizer that guests always love -- much to their surprise! It's great for all occasions, winter and summer. You can adjust...
If you serve this in sliced pita bread it taste like the hot crab sandwiches served at state fairs . Good with chips, too! To prepare in the microwave,...
Creamy goat cheese is lightly dusted with pecans, honey, and rosemary. These are so delicious, light, and refreshing, they could be served as appetizers...
This dip is made for 3 to 6 men, sitting together on a Sunday, enjoying football and eating every manly thing possible. Of course, my girlfriend and her...
A delectable layered dip for any special occasion made with feta and cream cheese, pesto, pine nuts and sun-dried tomatoes. Vodka or gin may be substituted...
Styled after a similar appetizer at The Blue Moose in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, this is a very addicting creamy appetizer that goes well with tortilla...
A great meal idea for a party or picnic. I suggest using HALF the cream cheese so that it doesn't taste so cream cheesy. The wider the loaf of bread, the...
This dip tastes like guacamole but made with edamame which has more protein and fiber. Serve it just like guacamole with raw veggies, tortilla chips, or...
A fondue dish is the perfect way to keep this thick, cheesy dip warm and melted. Corn, green chile peppers and tomato chunks make for a rich, spicy and...
I take this recipe to family and friend get togethers and it's always a hit. It's quick to put together. Serve it with an assortment of crackers, or try...
My family loves a popular brand of 3 pepper hummus. Unfortunately, they love it so much that a container is demolished in one sitting! This recipe makes...
I have been looking for a spicy salsa easy enough that I can make it fresh at mealtime, so I came up with this one. Very simple and easily adaptable to...